Our goal is to produce healthy quality Golden Retrievers puppies for people to enjoy for a long time in their lives. I do not believe that the puppy you have had in your home is replaceable, but I do feel that sometimes the loss of a four-legged family friend can be lessened with the addition of a new one. In the unfortunate event that your puppy would need to be put down within the first year of its life due to congenital or hereditary disorders that adversely affect the health of your puppy I will replace your puppy with your pick of a puppy from any of my female/male combinations. The cause of death or condition will have to be certified and recorded by a licensed veterinarian. In the event that the puppy has not died and there is an issue you may be asked to submit x-rays or have the condition verified with a second opinion. I cannot guarantee that your puppy will never become ill or need more than routine veterinary care. This guarantee does not cover the reimbursement of any veterinary bills associated with this puppy.
What I need from you:
Nothing would make me happier than knowing that I have been a part of bringing a happy healthy puppy to your family. To help ensure this I will have a veterinarian examine your puppy not more than one week prior to the date you take possession of your puppy, and I ask that you have your veterinarian do an examination of your puppy not more than 5 days after receiving your puppy. After your veterinarian has examined your puppy please submit a copy of your puppies' medical record to me or you can email it to rosslanz98@gmail.com. Failure to take your new puppy to a veterinarian within the 5 days will void this guarantee!
Your puppy will come with all age appropriate vaccinations and d-worming, but it will still need more to be fully vaccinated. I will send a copy of all vaccines and d-worming your puppy has received. After that, you and your veterinarian should establish what vaccines and care your puppy should receive.
I cannot guarantee the disposition or temperament, conformation, size, weight, color, or breeding ability of your new puppy.
This guarantee does not include any costs associated with spaying and neutering this puppy including that of un-descended testicles.
Failure to receive adequate and regular veterinary care will void this guarantee.
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